Geomatics at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic



Project title: Data-Driven Bioeconomy (DataBio)
H2020 topic: ICT-15-2016-2017 Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot actions in sectors best benefitting from data-driven innovation
Grant Agreement No: 732064
Duration: 01/2017 – 12/2019
Total budget: 16.2 million €
Consortium: 48 partners / 17 countries

The main goal of the DataBio research project is to show the benefits of big data technologies in the raw material production from agriculture, forestry and fishery for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials responsibly and sustainably.DataBio addresses this issue by designing and deploying innovative big data solutions based on partners‘ infrastructures, and demonstrating their power through agriculture, forestry and fishery pilots.

» In DataBio, UWB specialises on big data visualisation and other geospatial techniques in support of the agriculture and fishery pilots. «

The solutions include big data acquisition and curation, predictive analytics and machine learning, real-time analytics and stream processing as well as advanced visualisation.DataBio showcases an effective utilisation of big data for wider uptake by the European ICT industry. This will support efficient decision making and productivity increase in the bioeconomy sector and increase investments in this area.